Vaman Avatar: Restoration of Balance

 Vaman Avatar: Restoration of Balance

The Stories in Hinduism Rotates around three Adi Devas and their Leelas that are more of Allegorical/ Metaphorical in Nature. The Adi Devas being Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh. Brahma – The Creator, Vishnu – The nurturer, Shiva – The Destructor or Transformer leading to new creation.

Being the nurturer, Vishnu has taken various Avatars on earth to ensure sustenance of life on earth. Dashavatar stories are narrated in every Hindu home and reinforced through various festivals that are celebrated. While the earlier Dashavatar stories are more allegorical, the later Dashavatar like Parshuram, Rama, Krishna etc. are human and part of History that is recorded at various parts in India and abroad. Their stories have been passed through generations by the means of Shruti and Smriti  (Hearing and Remembrance). They have been penned down by Sages like Valmiki and Ved Vyas. Later on, various Authors have written them in common language with subtle variations in a way to guide the generations.

One story that stands out as part Metaphor/ Allegory and part History is Mahabali and fifth Avtar of Vishnu i.e. Vaman Avtar. The whole of Kerala erupts in celebration during Onam in remembrance of their benevolent King Bali who as per their belief visits them during Onam.

The story of King Bali and Vaman Avatar is also very interesting. King Bali, the King of Asuras, the Grandson of Prahalad, son of Virochana was very powerful and defeated the Devas led by Indra. Hence, he ruled over the worlds while Devas were rendered homeless. Bali was righteous and truthful. Bali ruled very well and everyone in his Kingdom was happy with his reign.

However, the purpose of Vamana avatar is to protect the Devas who had been rendered homeless ever since Bali, having consolidated his powers, started reigning supreme over the three worlds. Lord Vishnu achieves this goal not by war, not by killing the opponent, but by assuming the charming form of a Brahmachari – Vaman as he was short or Dwarf.

One day Vaman visited the court of Bali and begged of him as much land as he could step over in three paces. The king laughingly granted the request. Assuming a gigantic form, Vamana with one step covered the whole earth, and with the second step the midworld between earth and heaven. As there was nowhere left to go, the Asura king lowered his head and suggested Vamana place his foot on it for the promised third step. Vamana was pleased, and with the pressure of his foot sent Bali down below to rule the netherworld and Indra’s Kingdom was restored to him.

One way of interpreting this story is that as Bali surrendered to Lord, his Ego is decimated. However, the question arises as to why should Vishnu be partial towards Devas and take away Bali’s Kingdom when he was ruling over it righteously.

Now from Lord Vishnu’s perspective, he is the preserver of all the three worlds and he is the one who restores the balance of power whenever it is disrupted for the smooth functioning of the universe. According to that, the Earth is supposed to be ruled by humans and not by an Asura (even if the rule was good). And hence it was fine to move him to Paataala (precisely Sutala) where he is supposed to reside in.

First and foremost, Lord Vamana does not kill Bali. He pushes him into Sutala. In fact, Lord Vamana is so impressed my Bali’s act of charity, that he accompanies him to Sutala and stays as his doorkeeper. He also promises that in the next cycle, the jiva who is Bali will become the next Indra.

As to why, and the morality of the act, it was to restore Swarga to the Gods, there was a need to restore the balance. It was restitution; restoration of goods captured in war. Swarga is not ‘ruled’ by the Devas, it is their home. In that sense at least, they should be returned to their homes.

After giving Svarga back to Indra, Lord Vishnu blesses Mahabali with the following,

1.       The netherworld/Sutala that has so many riches comparable to Heavens

2.       Mahabali will have a very long life (he is considered one of the seven Chiranjeevis) to enjoy these riches

3.       Lord Vishnu will be the personal guard of Mahabali in netherworld (so that no one disturbs him when he is enjoying his life there).

4.       He will become the Indra during the next Manu’s rule (a day of Brahma is ruled by 14 Manus, each reign is called a Manvanatara. Now we are in the 7th Manu’s rule – Vaivasvatha Manvantara. At the beginning of each Manvantara, several people get appointed and one of them is for the position of Indra).

Now, this is a long story. Even longer actually. But these stories are not just stories. They are History and Metaphors combined together.

Many have been debating the reasons for the takeover of Bali’s Kingdom by Vaman/ Vishnu. Was it wrong or unjust? The answer is No. It was to restore the balance. When the balance was disturbed, a small Boy Dwarf pushed the great demon King to the corner pervading all through Space and Earth. And the Demons drunk with Power did not realize it.

Coming to Corona and the Havoc it has unleashed in Human Life across the world and made everyone go behind their masks just like the Vaman Dwarf pushing the Great King Bali to Paatallok. However, just like how the equilibrium of the Universe was disturbed when Devatas were rendered homeless by Bali’s valour, humans in pursuit of their expansion have damaged the equilibrium by destroying the habitat of other organisms. If so, the equilibrium of Nature needs to be restored. Man needs to live in harmony with Nature not by trampling over it. Maybe that is the metaphorical lesson we need to learn from the fable of Mahabali.

Veena Suvarna

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  • ¤
    The stories of Dasavataras represent d evolution of d jiva.

    1. Somakasura stealing vedas represents d begining of creation by d self-forgetfulness of Brahma (of his sat-chit-ananda form) & Matyavatara represents restoration of Brahma’s Satchitananda

    2. Kurmavatara & Churning of ocean represents long evolution of jiva through Mineral & Plant world & through d animal world. Birth of Moon represents d passage of jiva into d animal kingdom (from Mineral & Plant kingdoms)

    3. Tara-Sasanka symbolizes long rendezvous of d jiva through lakhs of animal births & Birth of Budha Represents Birth of Man (or entry of Jiva into Human birth with well developed logical faculties)

    4. Hiranyaksha represents d wrong evolution of d jiva into a greedy enslaver of Humanity & Varaha Puts an end to dis wrong evolution

    5. The same Jiva, after his Hiranyaksha swaroopa gets destroyed, evolves along d lines of Hiranya Kasyapa and becomes a tyrant by grasping & misusing Science and Technology. Narahari puts an end to this wrong evolutionary direction also

    6. Inbetween NaraSimha & Vamana , there is the story of evolution of d jiva as PRAHLADA & VIROCHANA. Both are Vishnu bhaktas & do not create imbalance to d whole (Human society & Global environment).

    7. Next comes d story of Bali chakravarti. Bali represents d evolution of d jiva both as a Vishnu Bhakta (not creating environmental imbalance) as well as an ideal King of d Rakshasas. The jiva which evolved into Bali type of Psychology , inherited d Rakshasa Traits of Hiranyaksha & Hiranya Kasyapa as well as d Vishnu bhakti (environmental consciousness) of Prahlada. At this stage of d evolution of d jiva, d jiva has to be guided to fulfill it’s aspirations without damaging it’s previous gains. Vishnu bhakti & Reckless environmental destruction ( like Colonization, Ghazni,Ghori,Chenghiz Khan, Moghuls, Communism, Jihad etc., ) don’t go together. d jiva is in a dilemma unable to reconcile these two mutually contradictory traits of VishnuBhakti & Softness towards his Rakshasa Followers. Lord Vishnu comes to d rescue of d Jiva by “RELOCATING D JIVA TO SUTALA , WHERE BALI IS SAVED FROM D SIN OF VIOLENCE TO ENVIRONMENT BY PROVIDING ALL KINDS OF ENJOYMENTS TO HIS FOLLOWERS”

    8. Next comes d evolution of d jiva from Bali to KartaVirya Arjuna. KartaVirya does penance to Dattatreya & gets a boon of victory over Thieves. Bali had a weakness i.e., though he evolved into a vishnu bhakta , he was unwilling to force his people to growup as vishnu bhakta ( stop violence & wars ). But now d same Jiva (Bali) has evolved into KartaVirya, willing to discipline his followers to growup as Vishnu bhaktas & if anyof them are unwilling to fall in line , to force them to fall in line. That is d meaning of kartavirya putting an end to thieves in his kingdom. The thieves represent his former Rakshasa followers.

    9. More in next part

  • Very interesting 🙏😊

  • Truly, well interpreted, it was restitution, Swarga was the home of Devas and they had been driven out of their homes…
    Wonder who will play the Vaman for the Kashmiri Pandits…

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