Two Songs of Tagore – XVII

 Two Songs of Tagore – XVII

Translated from the original Bangla by Sreejit Datta

Āji godhuli-lagone ei bādolo-gagone

(To listen to the original Bangla song, click here)

Today at this hour of the dusk, beneath these overcast skies 

I count in my heart the steps of His feet –

“He will come”, so says my mind throughout the day,

And these eyes well up in causeless joy.

This sash of His, fluttering in the restless wind;

Is this His touch offered from but a distance?

“He will come”, so says my mind, 

Down a whiff of air fragrant with Rajanigandhā[i].

Anxious are these vines of Mālatī[ii],

Her heart’s content she hasn’t exhausted.

What’s this whispering ‘cross the forests today –

I know not what message have they,

The ānchal quivers o’er the breasts of the Diganganā[iii] –  

“He will come”, so says my mind. 

Tomārei koriāchi jibonero dhrubotārā

(To listen to the original Bangla song, click here)

You I’ve taken as my life’s lodestar,

Amidst this ocean I won’t be adrift ever.

You illuminate the place that I can ne’er access,

In my tearful eyes agog, You spill forth radiance.

Forever Thy face shines bright in the heart secretly;

The moment that vision’s lost, there’s no solace for me.

If ever my wanton mind wants to stray around

I behold Thy face, and my shame knows no bound! 

[i] Tuberose, Polianthes tuberosa

[ii] Aganosma heynei

[iii] Presiding goddess of a quarter.

Sreejit Datta

Sreejit Datta is an educator, researcher and social commentator, writing/speaking on subjects critical to rediscovering and rekindling the Indic consciousness in postmodern, neoliberal world

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